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In Benjiman Franklin's time we were all farmers. But even before Agriculture existed, we hunted and gathered... on our own two feet, with our hands or things we made with the resources around us. Don't worry, this is not an intro to a Paleo Diet Blog or a RAW Foods Movement, in fact I believe we've been cooks for as long as man has been introduced to fire. There is evidence of ovens dug into the ground of caves, hand made tools thought to be cooking utensils- so you see when it comes to food, my point is, we come from a very resourceful background and have evolved perhaps a little {read: a lot} too far. In tens of thousands of years we evolved from hunters and gatherers to farmers who lived off the land and in just the last 100 years we have evolved with modern advancements to demand convenience and accessibility of our food. The culture of food itself has changed more in these last 100 years than it ever has and these changes have surpassed our ability to adapt. Until now. 

The Re Evolution is a sort of a reverse swing of the pendulum, recognizing the effects of over processing food and consuming foods out of season and out of region just because we can. In Whitman's perspective of the Learn'd Astronomer, technology could be to blame for how we got here- a Pandora's Box of convenience that grew beyond our control. Or perhaps, like the tobacco industry, we just didn't know until the effects of a fad became an epidemic. Are Doritos the new Cigarette? Either way, the same technology that created modern mass food production and gave us the drive-through fast food chains has also brought us the internet, smart phones and streaming. The information age is upon us and we now have access to more than we ever have- what we are eating is knowledge we can now access, where our food is coming from is traceable and most importantly- we can now re-evolve and demand better, be better and EAT BETTER! #REevolve 

Kristen Gray
Food Blogger


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