Grilled Chicken, Wild Rice + Watermelon Salad

Is there anything more refreshing and juicy than a ripe watermelon on a hot day? We finally got a break from all this rain and I couldn't get to the grill fast enough! I wanted that char grilled flavor but with something light and refreshing that just screamed 'SUMMER IS HERE!"
Do you know how to pick out a perfect Watermelon? There is a whole science behind this you know... the bigger and more golden yellow the spot, the more ripe and ready the watermelon. Pick yourself out a winner and try this delicious summer dish!
Tag me in your creations, I love to see everyone's adaptations of these fun dishes!
PREP TIME: 5 MINUTES (The Chicken should marinate for 8-24 hours)
1 cup EVOO
1/3 cup White Wine Vinegar
3-4 cloves of Garlic (minced)
3 tbsp fresh Oregano
3 tbsp fresh Basil
Salt + Pepper
1/4 of a Seedless Watermelon (sliced into 1/2 inch triangles)
1 cup Organic Feta Cheese
1/3 Cup Fresh Basil (chopped)
1/2 Cup Fresh Mint (chopped)
Sea Salt
Cracked Black Pepper
Balsamic Reduction*
2 Cups Wild Rice
3.5 Cups Chicken Stock
1 tbsp Grassfed/Vegan Butter or Ghee
After marinating the chicken for 8-24 hours, heat the grill. While the grill is heating bring the chicken to room temperature - cold proteins on a hot grill tend to seize and become tough. Grill the chicken, flipping regularly until just 165 degrees - no need to overcook!
While the chicken is grilling, bring the chicken stock and rice to a boil on high heat. Once boiling, reduce the heat to simmer and cook for 15-20 minutes or until the liquid is completely absorbed. Turn off the heat, stir in butter, S+P and combine. Let stand, covered until ready to serve.
Once the chicken is done, let is rest at room temperature for 5-10 minutes to keep all of the juices inside and moist. When ready to plate, use a sharp knife to slice into the chicken partially through to vent. Place the chicken on top of the rice to absorb the juices and not run into your watermelon causing it to get soggy. Set one Watermelon triangle on the plate, top with herbs and feta and then stack another slice on top and repeat. Drizzle with a little EVOO, Balsamic Reduction and S+P. Voila! So simple and SO delicious! Happy Eating! It's Summer Y'all! :)
*to make balsamic reduction - cook 1 cup balsamic in a pot on low heat, stirring frequently until reduced to at least half, the longer it reduces, the thicker it will be