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Sweet Potato and Butternut Squash Gnocchi with Roasted Red Pepper Ragu

There are so many Fall Flavors in this dish it could be the new Pumpkin Spice Latte. AND it's PASTA that's PACKED full of vegetables but kid and picky-eater friendly - just look at it, you can't even see all of the delicious veggies that go into the gnocchi and sauce - it's like magic. I made this for my two year old God son and he demolished it, you'd have thought it was a slice of cheese pizza!

Your kitchen is going to smell amazing and this is one of those easy dishes that seems really difficult - a good one for a dinner party or even to make with the kids.

SERVING SIZE: 4 (This will yield leftover gnocchi dough that you can freeze and make later!)




For the GNOCCHI:

2 cups Butternut Squash (peeled, cubed)

2 cups Sweet Potato (peeled, cubed)

1 cup Ricotta (whole milk)

1 cup Italian "Tipo 00" Flour



2-3 tbsp butter

For the SAUCE:

4-5 Red Bell Peppers (rough chopped into small pieces)

1-1.5 cups Cherry Tomatoes (halved)

2 cloves Garlic (peeled and smashed)

1/2 cup Chicken Stock



1 lb ground, organic free-range Chicken or Turkey

Fresh Basil for garnish

grated Parmesan Cheese for garnish


Preheat the oven to 400. Spread out the butternut squash and sweet potato onto baking sheets over aluminum foil. Drizzle liberally with EVOO and season liberally with S+P (you may need two pans, in which case use the middle and bottom racks of the oven). On another baking sheet, spread out the red peppers, tomatoes and garlic over aluminum foil. Drizzle liberally with EVOO and season liberally with S+P - roast on the top shelf of the oven. Cook the peppers/tomatoes for about 20-30 minutes or until everything is blistered and starting to brown - then remove and let cool at room temperature for 5-10 minutes. Cook the potatoes/squash for about 30-40 minutes or until the potatoes mush easily with the back of a fork - then remove and scrape into a large bowl and let cool at room temperature for 5-10 minutes.

First make the sauce and let it simmer and develop flavor while you make the gnocchi. Liberally season the ground chicken with S+P and brown in a saute pan with a little EVOO until cooked through. Meanwhile, scrape your peppers, tomato and garlic into a blender and start by mixing and then pureeing. If the mixture is too thick, add the chicken stock a little at a time until you are happy with the consistency. When the chicken is done, strain it and return to the pan. Pour the sauce over the ground chicken and mix together. Turn the heat to simmer/low and cover.

To make the gnocchi, add the ricotta and flour to the bowl of potatoes and mash together until you get a doughy consistency. Take small portions at a time and roll out on a floured surface, roll the dough into a long tube-like shape until its about the circumference of your thumb. Use a knife to cut pieces off that are about 1-1/2 inches long. The process looks like this:

Photo Credit: Inspired Taste

Once you have the gnocchi ready, place on a plate next to the stove and shake off any excess flour. Melt 1 tbsp of butter in a pan and when melted, add gnocchi to the pan. Be sure and leave space in between and only make small batches at a time so you can easily rotate the gnocchi with a spoon to brown all sides. When all sides are brown, remove and lay on a clean plate with a paper towel liner. Cook in batches until you have the desired about of gnocchi and reserve the remaining dough. You can freeze in an air tight container.

Once the gnocchi is done and the sauce is done, place the gnocchi on a plate and spoon the ragu sauce over top and garnish with Parmesan and fresh basil! Happy Eating!


Kristen's Cooking Tips


Use sharp knives! Slicing, chopping, mincing- sharp knives cut prep time in half and are WAY safer than fighting with dull blades that barely get through the skin of a tomato. At the very least, get a knife sharpener and run the blade across it before any prep. 



Taste EVERYTHING as you go! Cooking is about using instinct and creating flavors- you'll never learn to cook if you don't develop instincts... taste the food at every stage and follow the flavor development, adding more salt, more acid, more cream- whatever your taste buds are reaching for. 



Mis en Place: it's french for everything in it's place. Before you start a dish, gather all of your ingredients and prep everything you need in advance. Minced garlic? mince it first and set aside. Chopped herbs? Chop away and be ready when you need them. So many people I talk to say cooking is stressful, there is "too much going on"- it's all about time management. Cooking should be relaxing and fun! Think about your favorite cooking show... notice how they always have everything they need right there? Read the whole recipe through and zoom out- while this is cooking, make this; while this is chilling, cook this. Know how to breakdown the steps and prepare your ingredients so you're not stuck with burning garlic while you're chopping cilantro. Go in with a clear mind and know you're about to fuel your body and nourish your soul with your own two hands...and a few sharp knives ;)



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